Successful Exchange with Students from TH Rosenheim

Aspiring Industrial Engineers Gain Insights into Mechanical Engineering

For several years now, esmo AG has placed great importance on engaging with students and future graduates in engineering and computer science. In addition to the current five working students, our interaction with students from various fields of study is a crucial aspect of presenting ourselves as an attractive employer and partner.

In June, 15 aspiring industrial engineers from the Technical University of Rosenheim accepted our invitation to visit our headquarters in Rosenheim. They were accompanied by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Doleschel, the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering. This excursion continues the intensive exchange that began in 2022 with TH Rosenheim and supports our efforts to position ourselves as a significant company in the region.

After a welcome from CEO Andreas Rothstein and a brief presentation of esmo AG, its global representations, and the different business units, the practical part of the event began. The students received insights into assembly and manufacturing, including our in-house milling shop and various production lines. Particularly interesting were the presentations on docking and interface solutions, manipulators for the positioning and docking process of test heads, and handling systems for automated microchip engineering testing procedures. The focus was on production processes as well as the challenges in development, design, implementation, and sales.

The close integration and collaboration of the various departments are key success factors of our work at esmo. The numerous questions and subsequent discussions between the students and our employees demonstrated great interest in our processes and collaboration within the company.

For the esmo team, the day was a great success. The sincere interest of the students and the opportunity to establish valuable contacts for potential future partnerships were particularly appreciated. A big thank you to all colleagues who made this day possible and actively and vividly presented the daily workflows and associated challenges with their expertise.

We look forward to continuing this forward-looking and mutually beneficial cooperation with TH Rosenheim and to further intensifying our exchange with the students. We have laid the foundation for this in the best way!